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Category: Nickelodeon

Categorized as American Dad, Amy Wong, Charlotte Pickles, Diane Simmons, Family Guy, Francine Smith, Futurama, Lois Griffin, Marge Simpson, Nickelodeon, The Simpsons, Tricia Takanawa, Turanga Leela
Categorized as Adventure Time, Cartoon network, Danny Phantom, Disney, Gravity Falls, Kim Possible, Marceline, Nickelodeon, Shego, Star VS The Forces of Evil, Total Drama Island, Wendy Corduroy
Categorized as Ben 10, Cartoon network, Disney, Ed Edd n Eddy, Gravity Falls, Gwen Tennyson, Kanker Sisters, Lee Kanker, Leni Loud, Nickelodeon, The Fairly Oddparents, The Loud House, Wendy Corduroy